Adding a Special Touch to Your Wedding Attire

Your bridal gown is not the only thing that you could have created or designed especially for you. In fact, it is all about the whole look, with wedding accessories playing a huge part as well. More than just your veil, it includes everything that you can add to complement your attire.

Nowadays, most brides choose not to wear a veil at all, and instead use something else like a wedding flower crown.

Depositphotos_105405988_s-2015All of these should be in mind when you prepare for your big day. As you know, it’s the tiny details that make up the whole experience. The same goes with your look on your most special day. Wedding accessories are more than just matching colors or sparkly things; in fact, they can highlight aspects of your body or your gown and make you stand out from all those other women who opt for the generic looking dress and veil.

For example, a beaded wedding sash can add a splash of color to your plain white dress and even match your wonderful bouquet. Your creativity can certainly run wild and help you break away from the traditional attire.

Accessories are a must as well for those who have chosen a theme for their special day. For example, a birdcage veil suits a 1940’s style and brings a nice vintage vibe to the day. On the other hand, flower crowns are suited for bohemian brides and a garden setting. Or, for the princess brides, a tiara will certainly make them feel like the prettiest and most special woman on this day. And, no small detail should be forgotten: even wedding shoe clips can complement your theme and up style any boring pair of shoes.

Investing in jeweled or fancier items can also be passed down as heirlooms more easily than dresses. Fashion tastes change, but that beautiful hair clip or bridal belt can always stay in good quality and can be added to various styles of gowns.

Going for handmade wedding accessories are a great way to make sure that yours will be one of a kind, and that you can add your input to the design. Certain materials or items of special meaning or value can be added when you work with a designer.

At the end of the day, it is all about marrying the love of your life in your dream dress and decked with beautiful accessories that just make you bloom even more. So do not think twice about considering added details to your look and make your husband-to-be gasp as he sees you walking down that aisle!

Gone are the days that wedding gowns and accessories are very complicated. These days, handmade ones are already elegant.

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