Home Improvement’s ABCs Adding Thousands to Real Estate Value

Buying a home may be the end of a journey of saving for a major investment. If your home is either in Maryland or Virginia, you’re in luck. With these ranked as two of the best places to retire, home improvement projects ranging from replacement windows, siding, roofing, insulation and exterior doors add not only style, personality, functionality but also value to any residence. They may sound like fantastic DIYs during weekends, but many homeowners aren’t aware of the standards for quality workmanship and the stress that such projects bring. Done wrong and DIYs do nothing to the value of your home.

* Once you picked out a style that matches your house, exterior doors ranging from garage doors, French doors, entry doors, storm doors, and slider doors will evoke that first, lasting and big impression. This part of the house, usually amenable during home improvements, makes all the difference. Fact is, all houses in a neighborhood may look the same but a house would stand out because of the exterior doors it has.

* Is your house old? Many old houses need to add insulation. Likewise, if you think you have high electric bills, this home improvement move can lessen it by 50 percent. Insulation also greatly improves a house’s chance of not succumbing to the wear and tear caused by heat, moisture and cold. It also makes the house more comfortable. Places you can have insulation done or redone are in the attic, basement, above-grade walls and exposed floors. Cost of insulation depends on the house’s design, location and personal preference.

* An instant turn-off of any house is worn-out and broken sidings. Such is their instant appeal that they add a 78 percent return upon a house’s sale. That translates to an $8,000 more of a house’s asking price for a $9,000 siding job done. This great turn out in the asking price is in favor of home improvements using low-maintenance, economical, versatile, plastic vinyl siding. They’re not only for decorating but also for weatherproofing. Vinyl sidings can be made to look like wooden clapboards, shakes or board and batten. Such dramatic and beautiful change can easily get done by professionals in any routine home improvement job.

* Another part of an exterior home improvement project is the gutters. Typically, having one’s roof checked paves the way for having a gutter cleaned, repaired or replaced. However, this part of the house shouldn’t come in as an afterthought because they keep water off the roof thereby protecting sidings, doors, windows and even the foundation of the house from getting water-damaged.

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