Respect shows up in the way a man dresses up for a first date. If it is the first date, men should dress like a real date. Dressing up lets her know that the man is taking this date seriously. The way a man dresses will give her the impression that the man is taking this seriously.
There is a huge line between hanging out and going out on a date. It all begins with how the man presents himself to the woman. Here are some things that women look for in the way men dress up on their first date:
Women like their men to wear the right fit. Women look for physical attributes in men. Masculinity is one of them. The right fit clothing will show some of the manliness. Women notice jaw lines, wide shoulders, tough chests, and firm stomach. In a subliminal way, women are attracted to these. The right fit clothing emphasizes the movement of the man. With the way he moves, women get attracted to him more.
It is all about physical attraction. Just like men, women focus their attention on the physical aspects of their date. They like their man attractive. In this manner, men need to know what clothes complement their body. They also need to groom themselves properly. A haircut will do, a facial, and a pedi and mani.
Women want to be respected. If a man dresses sharply on his first date, the woman feels she is being respected. There is no way in telling that a woman will like her date upon seeing him. So, the least a man can do is to dress up the best he could. Women spend a lot of time trying to look their best. They would feel good if they know their date did the same thing.
Looking sharp means the man can socialize with her and not bore her. If a man looks sharp, she has the feeling that she will have a fun time talking with her date. That is the impression she gets. In this way, she gets a gauge of how her date is going to behave when she introduces her friends to him. Just by looking sharp, the woman gives a positive impression on her man, although secretly.
A man who dresses for the occasion focuses on the occasion. Women know this well because they do this. They dress up and behave like they should in a first date. They want their date to treat it like a date as well and not like just a hang-out kind of thing. The night should have the right mix of formality and informality. It is something that dressing up properly dictates.
Women want to focus on their date’s face. It helps women do this if their men wear the right clothing and groom themselves properly. The right clothes and grooming will complement the face. Clothing with too much print distracts her attention away from the face.
The first date speaks a lot about a man. A man looking sharp speaks a lot to a woman.
Why Women Want Their Men to Look Dapper On Their First Date,